The Batoul Ajyad Hotel is located in the Ajyad district of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, within a short distance of 1.5 to 1.7 km from the Masjid al-Haram (Holy Mosque).
This makes it approximately a 10 to 15-minute journey by car or shuttle bus to reach the revered site.
The proximity to nearby attractions enhances the hotel's appeal, including its closeness to Abraj Al Bait Towers, which is about 1.5 km away, providing pilgrims and visitors with easy access to shopping and dining experiences.
Other attractions like the Jannat Al Muallaa Cemetery and Safa and Marwa Hill are conveniently reachable within a short drive.
Guests of Batoul Ajyad Hotel can enjoy a range of amenities designed for comfort and convenience.
The hotel offers complimentary WiFi, a restaurant featuring a breakfast buffet, a coffee shop in the lobby, and air-conditioned rooms.
Additionally, there's a 24/7 shuttle service that transports guests to and from Haram, with parking available upon reservation.
Hotels like Batoul Ajyad cater primarily to Umrah pilgrims, providing them with a value-for-money stay close to the Holy Mosque without compromising on essential conveniences.
The hotel's facilities and services make it a suitable choice for those seeking comfortable accommodations with easy access to Haram and other significant sites in Mecca.